Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Quick, Someone Change The Subject

First let me thank you all for the overwhelming support you rendered in my time of need. It has actually been a lot easier than I thought it would be. Don't get me wrong I will still be watching my shows on the computer or in one of your lovely homes, but it has been nice to see what we as a family can do without any satellite. I will say Trent has taken the whole thing a little personal and feels he has been harshly judged, but I want to make it clear I am not bitter.

Now for a change of subject. I want May to be over with...NOW! In the past I have always dreaded the school year coming to an end, but not this year. May is always out of control but this year particularly is insane. We've got Baseball, Baseball, Baseball 5+ days a week, Scouts, YM, Gymnastics, Piano Lessons, School Choir, Recitals, Performances, Exhibitions, Games, Parties, Conditioning, Preschool Graduation, School Performances, etc., etc., etc., to name a few. I am literally going day to day hoping I can fit it all in. I'm having a hard time sleeping and therefore I am just run down and ready for a break. I decided to take June off from teaching piano & music and will spend the first couple weeks of June digging out of this mess of a house I'm in. I really shouldn't complain because this is pretty much how I like my life but give me a break this is even a little too much for me to handle. I'm actually looking forward to summer for the first time I can ever remember. Thanks for letting rant.


Unknown said...

Yes I'm alive. You can do it. I need to dig out as well. Let me know if I can help. We all need to go out one night soon. This is Dana :)

Memzy said...

Ranting is good. I do it often. Hang in there! (with everything including lack of tv).

E said...

Looks like you didn't have time for TV anyway. May is always crazy-busy for me too. I think that's why I always look forward to summer break. My schedule suddenly clears up.

Cristin said...

Holy cow!!! you are one busy Mom!!! I'll pray that May goes really super duper fast for you but I have a feeling it's gonna do that anyway with your schedule. Well, just make sure your fridge is stocked with cold diet coke and the computer is clear in the evenings so you can catch up on your shows.

ManicMandee said...

How am I gonna watch AI now????
You're always too busy. But I know you wouldn't have it any other way. I bet you'll be figuring out ways to make your Summer more busy by the first week.

Hazel said...

You say that until summer actually rolls around. Then you are going to be digging through your house, and kids are going to be coming in and reclaiming everything. I find cleaning is better done alone.

Emily said...

You are amazing!! I don't know how you do it!

Elizabeth Bailey Waite said...

Wonder Woman!! Always have been, always will be. By the way, we have been watching a great Andrew Lloyd Webber reality show called "Any Dream Will Do," on BBC. They are choosing the next Joseph for "Joseph and the TCDC." I'm saving the last 6 episodes for you to watch when you come to Bakersfield.

Vegas Family said...

Busy is better than bored in my book. Have fun and just keep thinking about those long lazy summer days that are just around the corner