My friend across the street sent me this email with this video attached. Turn up the volume so you can hear what he says at the end.
"Hayden was playing on the computer the other night babysitting. I don't know if he knew it was recording him or not. Hilarious. Thought you would like to watch.
Thanks for the laugh! That was great!
that is funny.
I like it when he flicks his ear...
A shapeshifter... cool!
Suckah! This brightened my crappy morning. (snow!) Thanks. Love ya!
I think I just peed myself. I can't stop laughing!! This totally made my day!!!
hahahahaha snort hahahahaha That totally made my day. hahahahahaha I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. Thank you thank you thank you for sharing that. LOL
That is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. They shouldn't have been late. The only off thing I've ever come across after a babysitter left was a dirty pair of underwear. I'd rather have a video of the babysitter saying I'm late.
Sooooo funny!
sry viv i hope u still ask me 2 baby sit and i want a apple computer so i can do that evry day pllzzz easter bunny
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! That is so dang funny.
Hahahah! Love it Anna! Have you asked him if he knew it was recording? Hilarious.
Oh yeah. This is awesome!
Too funny :)
The tongue flickering was my favorite. So funny!
Bahahahahaha...TOO FUNNY!!! Love it!
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