Monday, May 12, 2008

I'm Back...Best Weekend Ever!

I have to apologize to ALL my loyal friends and family who have been patiently waiting for me to start blogging again (MEMZY.) I can only imagine how sick you are of seeing our family pic of the Grand Canyon. The past couple of weeks have been CRAZY and I wish to not revisit those days again. I have definitely learned some hard life lessons and can only hope that we will be able to recover from our mistakes. Enough on to my fabulous weekend.
My awesome SIL Cheryl felt bad for me and wanted to cheer me up so she bought us Lakers vs. Jazz playoff tickets for Friday. To top that off THE David Archuleta was singing the Star Spangled Banner. He was awesome. We had so much fun razzing the Jazz fans by rooting for the Lakers (what good that did, they lost.)

Saturday I ran my first 3 miles without stopping. I was so proud of myself. I also went out and bought my Mother's Day gift. I never knew you could spend $130 for running shoes. They better make me run a lot better. In fact, they better run for me. I tried them out today and I think they are going to be great. My goal is to be able to run a 5k in about weeks in Bakersfield when we go back for my Lil' Sis' Wedding.
Later that night Trent took me to a wonderful Italian dinner.

Sunday was the best Mother's Day I have ever had. Hayden made me breakfast in bed (Cookie Crisp Cereal & Toast.) Church was nice. I got a nap. Brigg made cookies. The kids where all great & Trent was very nice. I have so many things to be grateful for, for starters being a Mom and now being able to stay home with my kids.


homegirl said...

Hey Anna! I'm proud of you for running your first 5k! It's even better when you have a friend to do it with. Bakersfield is going well and Olive Knolls Ward is still the same. We miss having you guys here. Morgan was just reminding me of some silly story that happened in Primary class with Hayden! Take care and I'll keep in touch!

Memzy said...

1. Can't wait for that 5k race. You are gonna kick my butt.
2. David Archie?!? How lucky are you.
3. Apology accepted.

Kris said...

So cool that you got to hear David. Aaah, I hope he wins. My sister was telling me that he was going to be at the game, but she didn't go. Sounds like you had a good Mother's Day Weekend. Glad you updated!

ManicMandee said...

I can't believe you got to go to that game! How fun. And I am SOOOO proud of your running. Awesome. I just bought Mizunos too and I love them. Great shoes. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!

Emily said...

Finally!! Sheesh! I'm so glad your weekend was great! You needed that after a crappy, crappy week. The shoes look awesome. After I have this baby, I'm gonna get me some of those to work off my badonkadonk. Love you! only 18 more days!!!

E said...

Sounds like my dream weekend. You are living my dream.

Pearl Girl said...

WOW. NO WAY!!! Lakers vs Jazz and David A. That would cheer up ANYONE. You lucky girl--lots of people love you.

Kati said...

Hope you have a better week.
Sounds like you had a great Mother's Day!
Glad you are back blogging!

Markie23 said...

1) I'd like to hear more about your bad couple weeks and big mistakes - it's bound to make the rest of us feel better about the dumb things we do.
2) I am so dang jealous that you got to go the playoff game!!
3) You what?.. you rooted for the Lakers?? What?!! Listen, you know I used to be a huge Lakers fan, but Kobe is as innocent of rape as O.J. Simpson is of murder, and his enormous ego was the cause of the Lakers losing Shaq. I can't stand Kobe! Also, I am a Utah boy now, and the Jazz are the home team, and a team you can be proud of - rappist and giant ego free. (forgive my passion).
3) David A. is awesome, but I have to admit I couldn't bring myself to vote for one contestant over the other last night. The final 3 are all so good.
4)I'd like to hear more about how you were able to start running and build up your endurance. Like what was your routine for the first few days and weeks.
5) Can you believe how long this comment is?
6) Glad to see you are stimulating the economy!

John Brooks said...

Im so glad you rooted for the least you haven't lost all your Caligirlness. Nice to hear, well read you are doing well. The family looks cute. I saw Tim and Brenda a few weeks ago at Sharons fairwell. Was good to see them. Hope all stays well.

jenn said...

Sorry your past couple of weeks have been the pits, but it does sound like you had a fabulous weekend. Way to go on the 3 miles and I love the shoes...stylish and everything! Hope this week looks up.