I was a bad Mom and didn't get this done before I left for California so I apologize to my boy. I can't believe my oldest is 13, an official pre-pubescant teenager. Brigg has been nothing but a joy to raise. I love him so much and couldn't be more proud of him. He is a straight A student who excels in everything he does. He plays football, baseball, and wrestles. He enjoys sitting at the computer...a little too much. He is a great Big Brother and has always been such a help to me and his Dad. The olny time I can remember him getting in any kind of trouble at school, was when he was in the 1st grade. He had a new teacher who challenged him and he didn't like it...at first. He drew a picture of a devil and a witch. The teacher asked him who his picture was about and he said, "You are the devil and the principal is the witch." That didn't go over well with the teacher, but they worked there diffrences out and he became her star student. I love you Brigg and appreciate all you do. We were blessed to be given you first in our family. (Pictures: 1st Birthday,Best Cousin Caleb, Wrestling Buddy Vincent G., Castle he built with Grandma W.)
I am so sick of this freaking cold weather I feel like I can't stand it one more second. Thursday I am leaving for sunny and warm California. My father-in-law is receiving a scouting award and they are having a special awards ceremony for him on Friday so what better excuse do I have then to head to Bakersfield for the event. I can't wait! It's going to be a little hard getting away. There are always a million things going on that I am going to miss, especially this weekend, but I am out of here. I'm going to take the 3 younger ones with me and head out. It's been about a year since I have been back home for a visit and I'm looking forward to it even though it will be short. I wish I could say I was going somewhere fun and exotic but I am desperate and Bakersfield will work for now. Trent says we have to have the winters in Utah to enjoy the other 3 wonderful seasons. I say snow+freezing temperatures for weeks at a time=HELL! See ya...
I have really enjoyed reading every ones comments about there own personal glamour shot memories. (Sorry Emily, I'm still one up on you.) This is a shout out to all you who have your own glamour shot. WE WANT TO SEE THEM POSTED ON YOUR BLOG! Come on, be a good sport and play along. I would post one if I had one...really I would. To those of you who do post, I will personally send you a special treat...how about that(sorry, photo shopped doesn't count)? So let's have fun and start posting.
I hope Emily won't kill me for this. I have had this picture sitting on my desk for about a month now. After a week of nothing to blog about I couldn't resist. Disclosure:There was no photo shopping done to the images below. For what it's worth Emily, I think you look HOT!!
Sat. Jan 5th Micah was baptised by his Dad. It was a very nice baptism and we are very proud of Micah and his decision to be baptised. We had a lot of family and friends of the ward there. Tim and Brenda were so sweet to extend there trip to come and attend the baptism. They were my only family there and it meant a lot to us. We had a great pizza part afterwards with a great game of Pop Star. Micah is very excited about starting Cub Scouts and being the same age as everyone else in his primary class. He is such a joy in our family and we know he will continue to make good choices. We love you Micah.
I just wanted to publicly wish Trent a Happy 36th Birthday. Since his birthday is so close to Christmas it often gets overlooked, even by the one who gave him birth (we still love ya Mom.) He was a really good sport this Christmas having his house invaded by my family. He didn't complain...much, and I really appreciated all he did to make them all feel welcome. We got to go out to a fun dinner with our close friends and then went up to Dan & Laurie's and had some fabulous Texas Sheet cake and got to visit with Uncle Tom and his clan from South Carolina. I gave him a great Hello Kitty popcorn popper that he can enjoy. Love you babe and look forward to many more birthdays with you.
Brigg competed last weekend in a National wrestling tournament at the Salt Palace in SLC. There were 19 kids in his bracket. This kid is an amazing athlete and kid. He has been wrestling for 8 years and has accomplished more in that short time than most kids twice his age. He had trained very hard for this tournament and even had to watch is weight up until the day before. He fought real hard was able to walk away with 2nd Place. We are very proud of him and all he does in his life. Way to go Brigg.
Okay, so here is the long blog post you all hate to read so you skip through to all the pictures. Except, wait...I don't really have any pictures, but I have a lot to say. "Hell braking loose" was so much fun. I will recap a few of the most exciting times for you loyal readers. I'll be a little creative and do it "Top Ten" Letterman style.
The Top Ten Things I Will Remember From Our Christmas 2007
10. Having all 7 of my siblings and their significant others come to MY house for a stay.
9. Watching my kids have the time of their lives with their cousins. (And yes there was some "Kissing Kousins" going on.)
8. Playing games and eating an insane amount of food.
7. Watching my nephew Jonah go through 5 cans of soda by 9 am.
6. Taking the kids on their first snowboard/ski experience to Brighton. (Actually that was a little bit of a Hell freezing over experience.)
5. Beating the guys in bowling & having an all adults out night ( I actually got 3rd, Tim was on our team and took 1st.)
4. Watching Jack, Charlie, & Ren all work on there fear of dogs. Hang in there boys.
3. Trying to get a group shot with 14 adults & 17 kids (Trent missed out on that one.)
2. Watching Andy and Rob battle each other in Pop Star to there choice, Brittney Spears "Hit Me Baby One More Time". (Someone might have video to follow.)
1.Playing Curses with Tim strumming his air guitar and repeating the phrase "Don't touch me Lucky Charms" in a very good Irish accent, while Emily shouted out random lunch meats and Steve delivered an impromptu monologue from Napoleon Dynamite.
I have to say another thank you to everyone for coming up to Utah and staying with us. It was so worth everything to have you all here. Let's do it again in June.
Tucker and Charlie had a good time together but I had to add this picture of Tucker's battle wound under his eye. I would like to say that Tucker came out the winner but... Anyway, I have payback because I got this picture of Charlie dressed up in a ladybug costume he wore around the house for half the day saying he was a bumble bee (can you say Identity Crisis.)