Sunday, October 5, 2008

Football, Football, Football

Football has been our life for the past 2 months and counting. Brigg & Hayden have been going 4-5 days a week and Micah 2 days a week. Do the math...that's 6 days a week of football in the Butler house. I have 3 carpools going and 3 boys going 3 different places. It has been CRAZY! But anyone who knows me, knows I wouldn't have it any other way. I feed off of 2 things, well maybe 3 anyway it's 1. being over scheduled and 2. my kids sporting activities.

Now to the reason for this particular post. Hayden has always got the raw end of the deal when it comes to coaches. He always gets the really nice guy who doesn't know what their doing. Get the picture? Last years football team won 1 game out of 8. Well guess what this years team record was up until Thursday nights game. Hayden's team hadn't won a single game and I think they had only scored 2 touchdowns in 5 games. Thursday nights game was awesome. They played the rival Lehi team and they WON!! Hayden had the game of his career scoring 2 touchdowns, catching an interception, sacking the quarterback and a couple of awesome tackles. He started both offense and defense and was lighting the field up. They even got to play on the big H.S. turf field all lit up. What a game! I am so happy that they can now walk away saying they at least won a game. (2 more to go.)

Brigg's team is doing great 4-2 and will probably make it to the championships. (Post to follow)

Micah's enjoying flag football and had a great game on Saturday in the RAIN!! What a trooper. He makes a good little Center.

Next month Wrestling!!!!!


Petersen Kids said...

I wish I loved being over-scheduled. Reading that, I just don't know how you do it. So exciting for Hayden, I'll bet it was an awesome game to watch. I love watching football, I beg Brans everyday to play. He worries about getting tackled. Your boys are seriously tough.

Hot Pants said...

I am already so over scheduled and Dwight is bugging me about basketball. I like things busy though. It keeps me motivated.

Mandi said...

Wow, that is a busy me a glimpse into my not so distant future!!!

Memzy said...

True. True. That is totally you to like being overscheduled. I got tired just reading that post. But congrats to Hayden for an awesome game! Did you get any on video?

SAS said...

It sounds like our life--we have 2 in football and 2 in soccer, so never a dull moment. Lucky for me my big boys are are the same team, one of the benefits of having them a year apart. If I had dull moments I might feel just that --dull! No time for idolness!

Kris said...

We've been doing football for 2 months too. I'm glad it's over, but I have so enjoyed the games. Looks like you have been busy cheering on all of your boys. So cool that they have been winning and having a great time.

Elder Jack Anderson said...

Kids in football= good clean fun

Congrats to Hayden on finally winning one for the Gipper... or w/e that saying is.

ManicMandee said...

Ok seriously. What's #3. Numbers 1 & 2 were no surprise. I love Hayden! He's tied with Micah for first place of your kids now.

Emily said...

Way to go Hayden! That boy deserved to finally win a game. You DO live for being over busy. I can't wait for you to come here and see how dull my life is in comparison.

Anonymous said...

Bith of mmy boys got coaches like that this year. Owell maybe next year will be better :)
Congrats to Hayden I can just see it!! Along with you scraming on the sidelines :)

E said...

Good for you! I feel over-extended with the few less-demanding things my kids are in. I always feel guilty that they don't do sports. Cord is in drama (I know, I know, but that's what he wanted to do), so I asked Gus *halfheartedly* if he wanted to play a sport, but we were too late to sign up for anything. Thank goodness!

Sweet Pea said...

good luck Brigg!

Anonymous said...

Good for you for keeping them all involved with football. I love football. Are there any Irish fans out there?

Elder Jack Anderson said...

Tell me about when to start waiting by the mailbox for the mailman. He gets annoyed when I do it too much.

Jessica said...

So glad you enjoy the sports hustle! It drives me batty (and we're just doing flag and pee-wee soccer).
Congrats Hayden on the 2 touchdowns and Micah on a great season. Good luck, Brigg!

Petersen Kids said...

Thanks for your comments on my shortcomings as a housewife! We definately need to do lunch, I think we would have a lot to talk about! I have ALWAYS wanted to be a twin!! Thanks!

Anna D. said...

Your a better woman than I. I can hardly make it to Preston's once a week practice and game. Yesterday it was so windy, I gave up and Kari, Mallory, and I went and sat in the car!
Rah Rah. Way to go super star Hayden! And way to go super star Anna!

Wait... am I talking about me or you?? Hmmm.

Cristin said...

YAY for Hayden!!!

Glad it's not me with your schedule...I don't do well with too much.

Emily Fotheringham said...

Not only are you driving the kids to games/practice, but you are an awesome team mom for Brigg's team!!! Three years running!