Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Judge Judy

"I'm not a lawyer but I play one on T.V." That's what I want to say tonight when I go to small claims court. Yup, for real I'm going to small claims court. Most of you have heard my cry and complain about "FiltaFry" (aka the 'F' word). Well, we had a pretty big account not pay up and so now I have to take them to court. When I went and filed my papers I asked the clerk "What can I expect?" He said "Have you ever watched Judge Judy?" and I said "Have I!" Little did he know that I was raised on the old school Peoples Court, the one with Judge Wapner, and have pretty much watched court T.V. forever. Anyway, he said if I had watched Judge Judy I should know what to expect because it's pretty much just like that. So I have been preparing my case by watching all 263 episodes of Judge Judy and I think I'm ready. I want to make sure I don't look like a total idiot. You know like the ones you see on those shows who don't even bring any evidence with them. I am a little worried that my most important witness is out of the country and I will be winging this on my own. I'm actually hoping the Defendant doesn't show up. That makes me the Plaintiff, right? Wish me luck.


Kris said...

Seriously, this is funny. Will it be recorded and on TV?? I hope it goes well.

judy said...

You will do great! It is amazing what we can learn from T.V. I like to watch "Trauma - Life in the ER". Maybe some day it will come in handy for me. I hope you win and get your money.

E said...

Scary. I love court TV, it makes me feel educated. Sadly, I don't watch daytime TV anymore so it's been a while. Once, we saw Anthony's friend's dad on Peoples Court. weird.

Hot Pants said...

If you need any tips, Erin and Sara are experts with court tv as well.

Emily said...

You've been trained well. You'll do just fine. Can't wait to hear how it goes.

Memzy said...

Put on a Judge Judy wig to add to your already fab wordrobe. Good luck. Can you record it for a blog post?

Memzy said...

Put on a Judge Judy wig to add to your already fab wordrobe. Good luck. Can you record it for a blog post?

Memzy said...

Two times means it is a reeeeally important comment btw.

ManicMandee said...

That is so funny that he said it's just like Judge Judy. That would be so fun! I can't wait to hear how it all goes.

jenn said...

You are such a crack up, Anna! Let's see...good luck with your case. I hope you get your money back. What a loser world we live in. And I find it hilarious that you are a court TV junkie. Ha-ha!