Monday, September 29, 2008

Happy Birthday To My Blog

It's my Blogs 1st Year Birthday and I would like to do something to celebrate. My sis Emily is the one who got me into this compulsive obsession. It all started with my own selfish desire to win a PIF (that's Pay It Forward). So in honor of her and my Blog I would like to have another PIF contest. Now here are MY rules.
1. You must leave a comment about your favorite or memorable post of mine over the past year. Yes, I know that's asking a lot especially if you have just been pretending to read my blog.
2. I will draw 2 names on Wednesday, sometime. 1 blogger from Utah & 1 blogger from elsewhere.
3. What will you win you ask. Well my original PIF was a package of some of "My Favorite Things" so I will probably repeat that theme.
4. If you play & win I would love for you to do your own PIF.
Thank You & Good Luck!


Anonymous said...

Okay I had to look back through your post, I fond my favorite!!! Grand Canypon part 2. Nothing like catching on camara your kids picking his nose!! Hee Hee :P

Hot Pants said...

It's an obvious choice for me. I didn't even have to go back. Blythe and the chapstick in the croch of her leotard.
Happy Birthday!! I can't wait for my package to arrive!!

Markie23 said...

I am so glad I live in Utah!
My favorite post was the April 8th, 2008 post "Kids Say The Darndest Things" It contains the famous Tucker quote: "Do pets come with erections?" Priceless!
I also love the picture of Tucker in that post. Good Stuff. Keep it comin'!

E said...

Hey, my favorite was the same as Amy's. The FHVD post of Blithe slipping the lip gloss out of her leotard immediately came to mind. I also loved the missing scriptures ad and Emily's glamor shot. That's three. Bonus entries?

Elder Jack Anderson said...

You probably think I'm going to say when you got the MrBurnz, but no. I liked your musings on school fundraisers (yes, I was blogstalking back then!) because I too hate them. I refuse to participate. We keep the big fat envelope in a cupboard and then when everything is due I put it back in the backpacks.

It made me almost feel like you & I were separated at birth.


Kris said...

Happy 1 year. So fun, huh? Your blog is always so entertaining.

Laurel said...

I haven't been around long enough to enjoy your entire first year, but your comment about grounding your kids if they lose a game was hilarious. I love your humor!
H A P P Y 1 S T !

Emily said...

I'm so glad you started blogging--see, it's not creepy afterall! I have laughed hard at so many of your posts, but maybe the hardest at the post about Tucker "tagging" your washer and dryer and saying that he was a "loosah."

Memzy said...

Oh for SURE the post about ABBA and seeing Mamma Mia. Doyee.

Happy Blogger Beeday!

Anonymous said...

I like all your posts I really liked the one about Brigg going to the Orthodontist so funny.

Eliza said...

I love that we "meet" through blogging (and I'll add that I've been a fan from the begining). I always sorta knew you as Emily's older sister and now I number you as a definent "BBF" (blogger buddy forever). I love your sense of humor and the stories of your kids. As far as a favorite post... that's hard... In a recent post about your funny little Micah someone commented about a time that he said that you souldn't be alone with girls because they might have a dagger. I have retold that story many times. Pretty much everyone at work heard it as did my mother. I LOVED it!! I totally LOLed if you know what I mean. :)

ManicMandee said...

Wow, I miss 2 days of blogging and I pay big time. It's so hard to catch up. This is getting out of hand.
Anyhow, this is a great idea! Count me in.
My favorite post of yours is the one with the video of Blythe in her ballet recital. SO funny!

molly said...

My favorite blog post of yours was the one where you were talking about your bad mom week. I got a huge kick out of your pictures while feeling intense sympathy for your injured kids....but I still think your the greatest mom. You were practically mine, and I know you do your best, and every once in a while a few crazy somethings happen at once, but you handle it well. I love you and miss you!!!!

Jessica said...

The May tag and your Michael Jackson doll, silver glove and all. Also love that Axel Rose was mentioned in the same post.
Blasts from our amazing 80's pasts!
Happy first to you.

Jessica said...

The May tag and your Michael Jackson doll, silver glove and all. Also love that Axel Rose was mentioned in the same post.
Blasts from our amazing 80's pasts!
Happy first to you.

Petersen Kids said...

I think there are a lot of hilarious ones. In fact, I always tell Hans to read your blog AND your comments on other peoples blogs! I liked the one where Tucker was obsessed with Praying Mantis' and had you take a pic with one on his face. Just like his hero! I don't even know what Pay It Forward is??

Crazycozartclan said...

Hmmmmm... that's a hard one. There are a few that I really liked! Without looking back thru the one that stands out is Tucker showing off his b-box skills. He cracks me up.

jenn said...

I'm so sad I missed this post! But, congratulations Christina!

Anna D. said...

Did I miss this one too?